There was a rabbit under the arbor, so Zella stayed up on the deck. She doesn’t chase them. When I went down to the second level that rabbit sprinted, but there were two more remaining - some of the grapes had fallen, and they seem to have been worth whatever risk I might present.
I know now why. The grapes that were still on the vine are sweet and tart. They would be the perfect grape juice grapes if the burst of the skin weren’t a pleasure.
Are they ten years’ worth of work good? Seasons of growing, pruning, squashing spotted lantern flies? My immediate answer is of course not. But then … if I hadn’t grown them, would I be sitting here thankful for all the effort I’d saved not growing a bowl of grapes? No.
I regret my failed hops efforts. But I won’t regret the ten year grapes.
I don't think we can use mathematical formulas to measure the worth of our gardening efforts. Those seaons of growing and pruning had their nourishment to you as well. What did your grapes teach you? It's not just in the eating.