Robin Wall Kimmerer can probably get some credit for the specifics of catching myself having transplanted a coreopsis plant with a little regret. I've been talking with plants forever, but mostly houseplants and pioneer species (to thank them before dispatching them to their new role as green mulch). We're working on the second phase of our Room for People garden design phase, which includes a path out to the fire pit. Because I am highly suggestible and also frequent reddit permaculture boards, I have decided we also need a pond. However, the best place for the pond is in a small depression right in the middle of the planned path. The grass always grew greenest and longest here before we mulched over it. Thus, the path needed to jog to the west, and the coreopsis was in the way. But I forgot to ask its permission. I did carefully dig around the root ball and have been watering it generously, but this does not make up for unilaterally deciding it needed a new home next to Blue False Indigo instead of Bearded Iris and Lamium. So I apologized and I hope to do better.
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