Last night, the PPS school board failed to table a motion to reinstate exclusionary practices (suspensions for example) for "repeated level 1 infractions" and thus, the motion failed. Had they tabled it, I wonder if it would have passed with a new board, but Terry Kennedy was insistent that it was urgent and, after asking the school solicitor many times what Yes meant and what No meant, Cindy Falls still couldn't figure it out and reversed her vote to agree with Board President Sylvia Wilson, who declared "I am going to be out of order."
For adults watching adults become dysregulated during a discussion about what to do about students who are dysregulated, t-shirts are available.
And - yes. Kennedy used the example of a student lighting marijuana and setting someone's backpack on fire on the bus as an offense she'd like to see punishable. To do so she would have to interpret the marijuana as a medicine the student had not handed over to the nurse, the lighter as a nuisance object or toy, the burnt backpack as damaged personal property of another person (even while it was on fire), and the fire nonexistent.