In later posts, I'll think more seriously (and I hope you will too) about apps, digital badges, and the like. However, fifth grade has been experiencing an increase in bullying and some students have expressed that they are experiencing a cyber component. "The bullies strike at lunch." This means that they are not students who are lunching together, of course. And the kids who are bullied online are aggressing towards their classmates in real life.
Shayla recommends: which she and her peers are playing in breaks this morning. She and I wished together that there were more obvious IRL ways to spread kindness, report and block bullying. I'm wishing adults would move on to level 2, Reality River. It doesn't escape me of course that the solution to problems on the internet is provided by master of the internet Google *who would like to dominate the classroom market with products that are free at first but don't remain free or require contracts for support). But for the moment I'm going to enjoy the lesson. All vibes spread. Spread some good ones.